Saturday, October 12, 2013

Basic Mining

Here are some tips to start you off with mining in your Minecraft world.

1. The tools - In Minecraft there are LOTS of tools! Mainly the same types, but made with better or weaker matterials. Here are a couple of easy to craft tools to start mining with.

 2. Styles of mining -
In Minecraft there are MANY different ways for mining, here are the two easiest styles: branch mining, and what I call bedrock mining. (The name given due to finally you WILL reach bedrock. Thus the name.)

I. Branch Mining -

II. Bedrock Mining - (Don't forget to have a ladder on the edge!)
3. The Ores - In Minecraft there are actually more ORES compared to tools. Here are ALL of them as of version 1.6.4 On the bottom row is the ore you find naturally generated in the world. On the top row is what it yeilds once broken with a pickaxe. NOTE - The midde 2 must be cooked in a furnace before its use able!

 4. Water, Lava, and Obsidian - One of the most important yet most DEADLY items to try and get is obsidian. Obsidian is made when water and lava meet, (but can sometimes make cobblestone) and is used to make Nether Portals to get to the Nether Realm. NOTE - You need a diamond pickaxe to mine out obsidian!

Now if you want to pick up the lava or water you need a BUCKET here is how to craft it. -

And that is about ALL you need to know about MINING in Minecraft! Don't forget to check out my other  Surviving Minecraft Tutorials to see how to do other topics such as - Farming, Breeding, Potion Brewing, and Enchanting!

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